Welcome to Canberra Equipoise Bowen Therapy.
My clinic is dedicated to helping you to achieve long lasting pain relief and a state of complete balance, equipoise.

Bowen Therapy is a holistic form of body work in which gentle, cross-fibre, rolling moves are performed over muscles and connective tissue/fascia to release soft tissue and muscular tension and to re-establish fascial and postural balance. Bowen therapy addresses not only the musculo-skeletal framework, but also addresses, through the body’s fascial network and mechanoreceptors, the nervous system and internal organs, and facilitates improved circulation and lymphatic drainage.

After taking a comprehensive case history and discussing your condition in detail, a targeted treatment will consist of a series of gentle moves called procedures that are applied through a light layer of clothing or on skin. The treatment is usually conducted with the client comfortably lying on a massage table, although it is also possible to be treated sitting down for those who prefer that or who are unable to lie on a table. Bowen moves are carried out in a series of short sequences with a gap of a couple of minutes between each sequence of moves. There is usually little talking, except for the client to provide feedback to the therapist about any sensations they may be experiencing. A session usually lasts up to 50 minutes.

The Bowen Technique is extremely gentle and is appropriate for anyone from pregnant women to newborn babies, the frail and elderly, and those recovering from physical, medical and other chronic conditions. Those with sporting and other injuries or recovering from surgery have found Bowen Therapy to be beneficial during their recovery, with a possible shortening of rehabilitation time. Those in good health also choose Bowen Therapy to maintain optimum musculo-skeletal and postural balance and for a whole-body relaxation treatment.
Bowen Therapy may be considered for, but not limited to, the following:
Chronic pain
Back and neck pain, sciatica
Foot, ankle, knee, hip, pelvic misalignment, bunions, plantar fasciitis
Frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and carpel tunnel
Colic and other childhood problems
Bladder problems, bedwetting, incontinence
Sinus and respiratory complaints
Digestive and bowel problems, including IBS
Ear aches, dizziness and headaches (migraine, sinus), Jaw/TMJ problems
Fatigue, fibromyalgia
Fluid retention
Menstrual and other hormonal problems, fertility treatment
Pregnancy support
Poor mobility (MS, Parkinson’s)
Repetitive Strain Injury
Sports and accident injuries
Stress/depression/anxiety/emotional issues
Oncology support and assistance in treating side effects such as nausea, fatigue, pain and lymphoedema

A Bowen treatment addresses fascia tissue as well as the mechano receptors of proprioreception, muscles and skeleton. Fascia, a type of connective tissue, covers, connects and interpenetrates every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. The fascia is the environment in which all body systems function and it also influences your posture – so in Bowen we give the fascia a lot of attention.
In the normal healthy state, the fascia is relaxed and glides easily. It has the ability to stretch and move and to transmit nerve impulses without restriction. When one experiences physical or emotional trauma, injury, scarring, poor posture, dehydration and inflammation, the fascia loses its pliability. It becomes tight, dehydrated and restricted, and then becomes a source of tension and energy depletion to the rest of the body. The fascial restrictions result in symptoms such as pain and stiffness. Bowen Therapists find that by working on the fascia that there are longer-lasting effects on body alignment than through manipulative types of therapies. Releasing fascial adhesions is like clearing out the cobwebs between the muscles, allowing them to slide and glide more efficiently, which increases hydration and elimination of toxins. Freeing up the muscles in this way allows them to function optimally, contracting and releasing to their fullest potential. Bowen therapy increases range of motion and reduces pain and recovery time. Most importantly, since our fascia is rich with nerves, clearing up these tissues creates a direct pathway for nerve signals to flow to the brain, which aids body awareness (proprioception), coordination, and our ability to control our movements.
Further information on fascia:
Functions of Fascia and Biomechanical Regulation - YogaUOnline

Treatment: $125
Concession card holders: $110
Young children (1-4 years old): $90
Baby Bowen for infants: $60
Prices include GST.
Credit card payments incur a 1.9% surcharge. To avoid these extra charges payment by PayID or direct deposit are accepted.
Treatments provided by appointment only. Allow up to 55 minutes for your appointment.
Patients usually experience relief after one to three sessions. However, those with chronic or other complex conditions may need additional treatment sessions. It is recommended that you try at least three treatments, ideally one week apart, to realise the benefits of Bowen Therapy if you’ve never had this type of treatment before. Return visits will be recommended only if you continue to feel sustained benefits.
Karen Ivkovic is a highly experienced and trained Bowen Therapist who has been working in the Canberra community since 2008. She discovered the benefits of Bowen Therapy after years of chronic back pain that started during her teenage years, and which became progressively worse. After many years of trying physiotherapy, chiropractors, osteopathy, pilates, stretch classes, general yoga classes and acupuncture without achieving any long term pain relief, Karen was advised by her physiotherapist that back surgery would most likely be her best option for bulging discs. It was at this time that a friend suggested trying Bowen therapy, and this was the turning point for Karen becoming pain free, along with the discovery of Dru yoga, a therapeutic style of yoga. Karen’s personal experience of the effectiveness of Bowen Therapy and Dru yoga are what led her to undertake training in these modalities so that she could help others achieve long lasting pain relief and find a state of equipoise or balance: physical, energetic, emotional and mental. Through a holistic approach to bodywork, Karen views each patient as a whole rather than a single symptom to be treated.
Diploma in Bowen Therapy
Specialised Procedures of Bowen Therapy
Certificate in Mind Body Bowen
Certificate in Bowen Therapy for Women's Health and Pregnancy
Certificate in Bowen Therapy for Oncology Support
Certificate in Applied Myoskeletal Therapy: Pelvis and lumbar spine
Certificate in The Importance of Symmetry
Diplomas in Yoga Therapy, and Dru Yoga and Meditation
Trauma Sensitive Yoga
First Aid
BSc (hons), MSc, PhD
Professional Associations
Bowen Association of Australia
Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
Dru Professional Network

I love helping my clients become pain free and relaxed. Bring Equipoise into your life.
Treatments provided by appointment only.
Note: My clinic will be closed from 3-27 April, inclusive.
27 Barron Street, Deakin ACT 2600, Australia
0409 662 832